I bought Doris at the same time as Alice and Nora. Most women treat themselves to a holiday or a handbag or new shoes but not me.. I treated myself to some sheep as you do. Doris is a character she isn’t dopey and docile like her pals Nora and Alice.. Doris is very playful she acts like an overgrown lamb much of the time and she loves attention even to the point of shoving me over me in her eagerness to be scratched. She is an ace wool grower. Like Nora she gets sheared on demand around every 9 months. Her fleeces have so far been made into two beautiful felted drapey rugs one of which was bought locally. Felting one of Doris’ fleeces in no small task it takes a few days work and is not the easiest wool to felt but the end results are stunning. Doris is a very sustainable sheep the sale of her fleece rugs have contributed greatly to feeding the whole flock through the winter months – thank you Doris.