Blueface Leicester Sheep
The first Blueface Leicester sheep joined the flock in March 2019 in the form of a tiny day old lamb we named Lily and two 5 day old Wensleydale cross Blueface Leicester ram lambs whom we named Noddy and Norbert. They came from a friend's fiber flock and were all from sets of triplets. They were the lambs selected to be removed as their mums couldn't rear 3 lambs successfully. In fact, Noddy and Norbert have the same mum as she could only rear 1 lamb herself. Lily spent the first few weeks of her life living for the most part in a large cardboard box in our upstairs bathroom. Gradually as she found her strength she started to spend more time with me and her big bro's outside and after a few delicate weeks healthwise Lily has never looked back. In June 2020 two fluffy Blueface Leicester cross Valais Blacknose lambs also joined the flock and they were also from a set of triplets. The ram lamb we named Griffin and his sister Huffle. You can read more about them all on their profile pages.