All the April lambs are now sold/reserved we have a few more due in June!
The first 6 lambs or 2018 are here see below for more information on them and visit the lambs page for information on reserving lambs.
These lambs will be weaned from mum when they are between 8 – 10 weeks old, depending how ready they are. We keep them here for 1-2 weeks after weaning until they have settled and then they can then go to their new homes.
All 6 lambs born in April 2018 as now sold but we have another little group due in June, contact us to put your name down for these lambs.
We also have 2 adult ewes For Sale see below for photos & info.
Sheep & Lambs Available For Sale
SOLD - Reserved
D.O.B: 23/04/18
Sex: Ewe
Colour: Black base, No pattern/spotting
Price: £60 (£15 deposit to secure until weaning, rest payable when you collect)
Liquorice is Sherbert’s twin sister. She has no pattern or white spotting at all so she appears jet black. But she is incredibly cute and nicely proportioned. She has a very bold cheeky personality, despite her tiny size she doesn’t lack any confidence! She will make a super pet or breeding ewe.
For more information about reserving lambs please read the 2018 Lambs page.
SOLD - Reserved
D.O.B: 23/04/18
Sex: Castrated wether
Colour: Black base, Badgerface pattern, White spotting
Price: £40 (£15 deposit to secure until weaning, rest payable when you collect)
Sherbert was the first of Waffle’s lambs to be born. He is nearly all white in colour but has a few patches of badgerface on his face around his eyes and some dots on his body. He is a lovely chilled out lamb, very pretty and nice and friendly already. Will make a great pet.
For more information about reserving lambs please read the 2018 Lambs page.
SOLD - Reserved
D.O.B: 22/04/18
Sex: Ewe
Colour: Brown base, White spotting
Price: £60 (£15 deposit to secure until weaning, rest payable when you collect)
Posy is Pip’s slightly younger sister. They were named by my daughter after 2 of her favourite book characters, Pip & Posy. Posy is the most confident and cheeky lamb out of the 6. She has very similar markings to her twin Pip, they make a pretty pair. Like her brother, mum & dad Posy is brown base colour which means her colour will lighten a lot with age, like her parents.
For more information about reserving lambs please read the 2018 Lambs page.
SOLD - Reserved
D.O.B: 22/04/18
Sex: Castrated wether
Colour: Brown base, White spotting
Price: £40 (£15 deposit to secure until weaning, rest payable when you collect)
Pip was the first of Martha’s twins to be born he has wonderful jazzy brown and white markings! He also looks like he will have nice quality fleece. Because he is brown base he will lighten a lot with age and sun bleaching so won’t be so dark brown when he is weaned or an adult. He is a castrated male and is a bit shy at the moment but hopefully he will get more confident with age!
For more information about reserving lambs please read the 2018 Lambs page.
SOLD - Reserved
D.O.B: 19/04/18
Sex: Ewe
Colour: Black base, White spotting
Price: £60 (£15 deposit to secure until weaning, rest payable when you collect)
Bramble was the second of Fern’s twins to be born she is really tiny and very cute with lovely even markings! She is approx 2/3 Soay with some Jacob & a little Shetland in her. She should be a small size when fully grown with a short fleece. She is very friendly and inquisitive and loves chewing my wellies. Will make a lovely pet or breeding ewe.
For more information about reserving lambs please read the 2018 Lambs page.
SOLD - Reserved
D.O.B: 19/04/18
Sex: Ewe
Colour: Black base, Mouflon pattern, White spotting
Price: £60 (£15 deposit to secure until weaning, rest payable when you collect)
Fawn was the first of Fern’s twins to be born and the biggest. She is almost the exact image of her mum Fern when she was a lamb except Fawn has more white spotting. Fawn is a very pretty lamb, she is approx 2/3 Soay with some Jacob & a little Shetland in her. She should be a small size when fully grown with a short fleece. Fawn has very similar markings to our lamb Sherbert, even though they have different mums! She is a very nosy lamb, nice and friendly and will make a lovely pet or breeding ewe.
For more information about reserving lambs please read the 2018 Lambs page.
Read our feedback & testimonials
Bagi – Looking very happy in his new home in Devon!

[nor_column_wrap][nor_columns count=”one-half column”][/nor_columns][nor_columns count=”one-half column”][/nor_columns][/nor_column_wrap] Hi Lucy, Just thought I would give you an update on Bagi, he has really settled in well, after being shawn he did look very hand some in his black coat, he comes back to the house for breakfast and tea and boy… Read more “Bagi – Looking very happy in his new home in Devon!”
Ponty and Jelly – At home with Amanda and family!

[nor_column_wrap][nor_columns count=”one-half column”][/nor_columns][nor_columns count=”one-half column”][/nor_columns][/nor_column_wrap] Just to let you know Ponty and Jelly seem to have settled in very nicely. They were rather wary to begin with and my horse and our dog couldn’t quite work them out! They all seem to be getting on really well now.… Read more “Ponty and Jelly – At home with Amanda and family!”
Dot, Barbara & Marshmallow – In their new home with Suzi and family!

[nor_column_wrap][nor_columns count=”one-half column”][/nor_columns][nor_columns count=”one-half column”][/nor_columns][/nor_column_wrap] Hi Lucy I hope you’re feeling better. Just to let you know that Dot, Barbara and Marshmallow (as they are now named) arrived safely and have settled in really well. I’ve attached a few photos so you can see them (being well looked… Read more “Dot, Barbara & Marshmallow – In their new home with Suzi and family!”
Mog, Hodge & Brandy – In their new home at a primary school!

[nor_column_wrap][nor_columns count=”one-half column”][/nor_columns][nor_columns count=”one-half column”][/nor_columns][/nor_column_wrap] These 3 boys went to a new home at an amazing primary school in Bolton! We followed their adventures on the schools facebook page!
Hatty, Bramble & Chickpea – Happily settled in their new home with Emma!

[nor_column_wrap][nor_columns count=”one-half column”][/nor_columns][nor_columns count=”one-half column”][/nor_columns][/nor_column_wrap] Hi Lucy, Was so lovely to meet you too! I’m just so sorry it was all so rushed, I would have loved to have spent more time there! I was great to see how much you cared for them 🙂 The girls were… Read more “Hatty, Bramble & Chickpea – Happily settled in their new home with Emma!”
Iris, Velvet & Ivy – Looking very happy in their new home!

[nor_column_wrap][nor_columns count=”one-half column”][/nor_columns][nor_columns count=”one-half column”][/nor_columns][/nor_column_wrap] Dear Lucy I though I would send photos of our little family showing noisy Velvet and nosy Ivy. They are all enjoying themselves immensely on the new paddock. The other fields are being rested at the present time. I hope you are keeping… Read more “Iris, Velvet & Ivy – Looking very happy in their new home!”
Obi & Bo – Happy in their new home with Meredith & new sheep friend Jingo!

[nor_column_wrap][nor_columns count=”one-half column”][/nor_columns][nor_columns count=”one-half column”][/nor_columns][/nor_column_wrap] Hia hun, Just wanted to drop you a quick line to say that Obi and Bo have settled wonderfully. It’s like they have always been here, they are happy as Larry! Obi is more affectionate than Jingo (Jingo dissed us a bit at… Read more “Obi & Bo – Happy in their new home with Meredith & new sheep friend Jingo!”