Frieda is a pedigree Gotland sheep. She belongs to a good friend who I first met when she bought some sheep from me for her little fiber flock. Following a change in circumstances Frieda came to live here in 2018 for the foreseeable future and it was her previous owners wish that Frieda should have some lambs with our Icelandic ram Sven... Five months later on Mother’s Day 2019 Frieda had triplets but sadly one was very tiny and we could not save him. She was left with two lambs who we named Ivar and Astrid and both remain here in the flock with Frieda. Frieda is a very gentle friendly sheep who is very easy to handle. She has an elegant beauty about her. Like a lot of Gotland sheep Frieda suffers on and off with lameness. It is a constant battle sometimes to keep her feet healthy. In May 2020 Frieda had two more lambs fathered this time by ram Bruno. They are named Armel (meaning bear prince) and Ursa (for little she-bear) as they both remind me very much of young bear cubs. Frieda spends the wet winter months in the barn with some of our other sheep who are not well suited to the wild wet winters we get here on the Llyn Peninsular.