Hagrid joined the flock in October 2018 along with fellow Wensleydale and best pal Dobby and relatives Hermionie and Luna. And yes this Hagrid is a girl. Both Hagrid and Dobby already had their names when I got them. Surprisingly their names do suit them perfectly despite them being named after male characters from Harry Potter. Hagrid and Dobby came from the same farm in Dolgellau as some of our other sheep but they were originally born in Colchester Zoo according to their registration papers. What can I tell you about Hagrid…? Well, she is very loud, she is huge, she doesn’t like rain, or mud or somewhat contradictory being shut in the barn either. Hagrid likes to be able to do as she pleases, she likes to have access to the barn or a shelter, she likes a good scratch and most of all Hagrid likes food. Hagrid has a very fine curly fleece, it is a little whispy showing her age but very beautiful and lovely to work with. Hagrid’s pretty curly locks are used in my needle felting, spinning and sometimes wet felting. I often sell some of her fleece to handcrafters too as I can’t always find a use for it all myself. Hagrid’s breeding days are long since over having had bad mastitis in the past but luckily for Hagrid she can live out her days here enjoying plenty of food and contribute to the flock with her fleece alone.