Pip was one of the first lambs to be born here following the birth of my first child Elsie in 2015. Before I became pregnant with Elsie I would breed most of the sheep each year and most of their lambs would be sold to the best pet or breeding homes I could for them. Because my focus was on breeding I never kept any of the boys they were all castrated and made lovely pets for people and brought in a bit of money to sustain the flock.. My approach to my flock and life, in general, changed a lot after having Elsie.. and even more so after having my son Ollie in 2019. Pip has a twin sister called Posy. They are named after the characters Pip and Posy from the Axel Scheffler books which were the first books Elsie really liked as a toddler. Pip was a shy lamb but his sister Posy was best friends with Elsie, they have a very special relationship. Initially, I decided to sell Pip and Posy when there were still little lambs as was the norm for me.. they were reserved along with 4 others by a lady to be pets and an attraction for holiday guests at her farm… Said lady never made an effort to collect her little flock and time moved on.. by then I just knew Posy was meant to stay here with Elsie, and Pip was meant to stay with Posy. So they both stayed here. And so Pip became the first castrated male sheep flock member and really helped to open my eyes and the door for a different approach to the sheep and realising what is important in life… sometimes it is best to go with your heart.. I am very thankful to Pip and Posy for helping shape our future! Pip is a ladies man, he likes to show off and fancies himself as the leader of the flock. He and Posy are always found together and never far from their mum Martha. Pip has a rather nice fleece it is very soft and a beautiful brown and white colour. I decided to hand spin some of Pips first fleece and make a wool hat for my son Ollie. The brown wool if the hat is all from Pip and the white is from one of our other sheep Rupert. I was really pleased with the finished hat and I’d love to make more if I can ever find the time.